Innovation consulting blog

A recent article by McKinsey and Co “COVID-19: Implications for business”  describes a paradoxical dilemma for managers: the need to process both the rapid changes in AI, digitization, automation, and the uncertainty of the Covid-19 crisis. Both of these are...
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Simplifying strategic alignment – building resilient and sustainable organisations
In my early days at Compass Learning, I designed and delivered a range of top team strategic alignment and development programs. Where the focus was on enabling and empowering team members to metaphorically “sing from the same song sheet.” By...
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Dare to think differently
As many of my colleagues are aware, I am at heart, a maverick, an unorthodox or independent-minded person. Who is curious and inquisitive, and finds change and challenging the status quo exciting, fascinating and stimulating. I am also, considered, by...
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The interplay between innovation, creativity and consciousness
Innovation consulting can be a lonely place for a woman to play, especially in a conventional, male-oriented, and competitive marketplace like Melbourne is today. Making networking a key way of enhancing my intellectual, emotional and social capital, consciousness and creativity. ...
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Key Obstacles to Innovation Performance
Innovation has become one of the most important factors for long-term success. Because of the fast pace of global innovation and change, organisations must improve their performance more frequently than ever before. Although the ability to develop new ideas fast...
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Radically rethinking work – maximizing intelligence
It seems that the waves of change are not going to subside anytime soon. As AI and other advanced technologies permeate the workplace, flipping mindsets, learning new behaviours and skills and shaping organisational cultures are causing us to radically rethink...
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Leveraging talent in the fourth industrial revolution
The world is now entering the third wave of digital innovation, leveling up out of the internet and connectivity era into what the World Economic Forum is calling the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”. This poses a great opportunity for leaders, organisations...
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The ImagineNation™ Manifesto
As we completed the very last activities involved in launching ImagineNation’s™ new branding strategy and new website, there was a sense of deep accomplishment and interestingly, a sense of profound relief. Reflecting on the nine-month bewildering and illuminating learning and...
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How can we prepare people for a future we cannot predict?
As many of us are aware, we are living in an era of extreme rapid & continuous change, driven largely by the technological leaps of the Digital Age. These are impacting exponential shifts in customers' needs, priorities, preferences & expectations...
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Leading People in the Digital Age
We are living in an era defined by one continual exponential technology wave after another, called the Digital Age. It is transforming everything we do, from how we do business and putting leading people in the Digital Age at the...
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