The Start-Up Game™ is a playful business simulation
Create opportunities for people to engage in collaboration, creativity, experimentation and entrepreneurship
When playing The Start-Up Game™ people are freed of their business as usual roles and rules bound environments, from their conventional thinking habits and status quo conditioning. They have the chance to co-create an engaging, energetic, judgement free, improvisational learning and play-space where they can simply be themselves.
People have loads of fun, safely share their frustrations when challenged to solve business and complex problems, within a fast, VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) environment. They get to experiment and collaborate in ways that allow them to fail fast and quickly learn by doing. This supports their “on the job” learning and the application of innovation mindsets, behaviours and skills in real life.
People have permission to safely surface, see, experiment with, be empathic to, and potentially resolve some of their obstacles to change (risk adversity, fear of change and failure, complacency and an unwillingness to be uncomfortable).

Developing critical foundations for successful agile innovation
The Start-Up Game™ allows people to learn and apply new intra/entrapreneurial ways of solving problems and creating new high value business ventures by applying lean start-up methodologies and developing their ability to be adaptive, agile and innovative.
Developing innovation and collaboration
The Start-Up Game™ builds people’s ability to be adaptive, agile, innovative and collaborative by giving them an individual and team based, engaging and challenging, playful experience of co-creating an innovative lean start-up organisation.
It enhances their flexibility and ability to be, think and do things differently in the constantly changing business world of the 21st century by developing their:
- Agility competence - to cultivate and embed the motivators, mindsets, behaviours & generative skills necessary to innovate.
- Agility capacity - to cultivate their emotional, visceral & cognitive abilities to change, adapt, innovate, flow & flourish in a VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) environment.
- Agility confidence - to cultivate their resilience & self-efficacy to trust their own, & others’ judgments, competence & capacity to be effective in changing contexts.
The Start-Up Game™ builds a common language and understanding around innovation
The Start-Up Game™ engages people in deep learning through the integration of adult, experiential learning and playful gamification principles.
It has the foundational game structure of a business simulation, with both achievement and competitive elements and provides people with key prestige and privilege elements by badging reputation points and start-up strength or value.
How the Start-Up Game™ can be applied in your organisation
- It can be applied to introduce an innovation culture development program, acting as a stimulus to provoke thinking, build a common language and understanding around innovation and entrepreneurship in your unique organisational context.
- As a management and leadership intrapreneurship education program, incorporating your own unique business problems.
It is suitable for people at all levels of an organisation, and is offered in a variety of configurations, either as a conference event or as a two-day workshop format and can be delivered by our global facilitation team.
It can also be licensed by your organisation through our simple global licensing agreement and train the trainer program.

Our versatile game can be adapted and applied in many organisational contexts.