Explore our range of unique and innovative 21st century assessment diagnostic and learning tools, bespoke programs and games help people develop growth mindsets.
Our range of unique and innovative 21st-century assessment, diagnostic, and learning tools focuses on identifying and leveraging the growth mindsets to drive culture, innovation leadership, and team behaviours.
To enable organisations, leaders, and teams to be playful and imaginative in adapting, innovating, and growing in ways that drive value and deliver measureable and sustainable business outcomes.

Find out how we can apply our assessment diagnostic and learning tools to sustain your growth and success in an uncertain world.
The Growth Leadership Indicator® GLI®
An assessment, diagnostic, and learning tool that accurately assesses a Leader’s Performance Effectiveness at driving organisational growth and growth mindsets.
In a world of accelerated change and disruption, organisations are required to shift strategies, goals, cultures, and develop growth mindsets to adapt and sustain long-term success.
Increasing demands are being placed on leaders to sharpen their skills to drive innovation, and inclusion and lead positive change.
The Growth Leadership Indicator – the GLI™ is a proven tool to accurately assess a Leader’s Performance Effectiveness at driving organisational growth through innovation and effective transformation.
- Measures a leader’s ability and stimulates new thinking on how to lead organisational growth and transformation.
- Supports a mindset of continuous learning to elevate performance that is aligned with change and innovation efforts.
- Provides 21 interrelated dimensions that support growth leadership capability - Includes system to improve capability in addressing real-life business challenges and ensures leaders decisions centre on creating and sustaining long-term value.
- Assesses Leader performance effectiveness at driving organizational growth through innovation and effective transformation
- Provides information on Leader’s individual skills and ability to drive innovation and lead positive change
- Assists individuals and teams of leaders to accomplish their mandate and supports leaders in driving strategy, goals and culture to drive business performance.
This enables leaders to mobilize their organisations to achieve growth and sustained success which is no easy task in an uncertain and disruptive business environment.
By evolving your growth leadership skills, you can help level the playing field and achieve the results you want.

Find out how we can unlock human potential, and build your innovation leadership capability to adapt and grow through disruption.
Collaborizza – A self-delivered approach to co-creating thriving teams
Learn on your own or with your team to be creative and collaborative to facilitate, lead and team innovation. Learn how to breakdown silos and span boundaries through our proven solutions to scale innovation and enhance collaboration, problem-solving, and creative thinking through our range of tools, learning programs, and games.
At ImagineNation, our research has revealed that a new range of collaborative models, including teams and teaming, tribes, collectives, and eco-systems, have emerged.
All designed to help organisations adapt, innovate, and grow in turbulent times like we are experiencing right now. This is because they empower and enable everyone in an organisation to be involved in change, culture development and growth initiatives, through collaborating to the diverse range of complex challenges and exponential change emerging from the Covid-19 crises and digital disruption.
Triggering teams to become the internal and cohesive organizational change and growth engines and pioneers of 21st-century adaptability, collaboration, innovation, growth, success, and sustainability, in countries, communities, and organisations.
Thriving teams, whether functional, agile, or innovation teams, are built on healthy trusted relationships, a clear and common purpose, clear processes, roles, and goals. Where members talk easily, listen to, and ask questions to share ideas, learn from each other, by having the safety and permission to share their voices through differing to maximising diversity. Impactful innovation teams are responsive, proactively collaborative, as well as evocative, and provocative in effecting growth and purposeful change.
Specifically designed to be self-delivered, Collaborizza gives your team a way to lead itself through a comprehensive team development session rich in creative conversations, deep listening and inquiring honest sharing and feedback, and fresh perspectives.
By following the step-by-step group session plan and individual follow-up activities, your team will gain insights as to how they can catalyse change, improve performance and deliver successful outcomes.
A self-delivered approach to co-creating and developing thriving teams
Shift your mindset, become agile, creative and innovative with our online learning programs
Learn how to cultivate your creativity, on your own or with your team through our comprehensive online learning program in collaboration with BridgepointEffect.
We collaborate with Janice Francisco, at BridgePointEffect, our eco-system partner in Canada, to provide technology-enabled learning solutions that complement, and potentially add value in scaling our Innovation Coaching products for individuals and teams.
Where people and teams can learn problem-solving and creative thinking skills and tools at theiu own pace with the support of an online learning community.
Which is supported by online collaboration tools, including The FourSight® Thinking System.
Our online learning programs offer a proven solution to scale innovation and enhance collaboration, problem-solving and creative thinking
Which supports the people side of innovation and contributes significantly to an innovation team’s performance and ability to catalyse company-wide change and digital transformation initiatives.
Where people can learn on their own or with their team, whether they are leading themsleves or leading others to new ways of thinking.
They need the confidence, capacity, and competence that enables them and their team, to always know what to do and how to accomplish it.
6 Skills to Power Up Your Thinking and Resilience in an Evolving World
39 Lessons – US $147
Binnakle Serious Games for Transformation
Helping organisations and teams adapt, innovate and grow through gamification, integrating our assessment diagnostic and learning tools, to develop growth mindsets!

Why use Binnakle Serious Games?
You can use Binnakle serious games to:
Be adaptive and develop Agile Thinking to navigate in uncertain times.
Enabling the key phases of the Creative Thinking and Innovation processes.
By generating possibilities for new solutions to any type of problem or challenge.
Because playing is a universal language that helps team members with different profiles work together and learn:
- New ways of thinking differently
- Collaborative problem-solving techniques
- Creativity and innovation
- Teamwork and teaming techniques
- Collective leadership focus
- Analytical skills
- Strategic thinking skills
- Problem clarification skills
How does Gamification boost innovation?
Gamification helps catalyse innovation at different phases process
Companies are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of gamification – which promotes disinhibition, reduces prejudice, encourages collaboration, teamwork and facilitates the co-creation process by turning traditional brainstorming into remote, creative and co-creation sessions, which are not only agile and enjoyable, and also safely competitive and generative by:
- Helping diverse and different groups develop a common understanding of the innovation process and speak the same language,
- Achieving a level of deep engagement that drives participants develop growth mindsets and breakthrough thinking,
- Revealing and closing participants “knowing-doing” gaps through learning by failing forwards quickly.

We offer Four Online Game Options
In countries where companies have already made gamification part of their day-to-day, they know that it can bring specific benefits beyond having a bit of fun and simple teambuilding.
Gartner studies highlight that 70% of companies on the Forbes Global 2000 list are currently using gamification techniques and that 50% of innovation processes will be gamified in the coming years.

At what stage in an innovation process can you bring in gamification?
Binnakle serious games provide an extremely useful set of innovation methodologies and tools to apply at different phrases of implementing innovation in a company:
- Initiate the creative thinking process.
- Optimise co-creation efforts.
- Start an innovation project.
- Improve innovation hackathons to generate the balance between motivation and practical results.
- Introduce playful, interactive and experimental innovative training formats.
- Maximize diversity to identify most resourceful thinking and acting profiles for innovation projects: drive, empathy, teaming and leadership skills, creative, analytical and strategic thinking and more.
Who is Binnakle?
Our eco-system partner, Inteligenica Creativa launched its gamification arm, Binnakle, in 2015, it has 17 years of global experience helpings companies become more agile and innovative organisations
… turning traditional brainstorming into remote, creative and co-creation sessions …
Contact us to explore your online innovation game options to improve your innovation agility and support your business transformation process.