Education blog

Insights from my Israel start-up immersion
I was thrilled, when my esteemed colleague, Tania de Jong invited me to present a Master Class at the Creative Innovation Asia Pacific 2016 Conference. Tania and I first met several years ago, when she was part of an Australian...
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Innovate to learn by doing
When I was Qantas airline hostess (in the pre ‘flight attendant’ days) I was required to attend and pass, very strict Emergency Procedures (EP) training. This involved a week-long, comprehensive experiential training session, teaching us how to evacuate a 747...
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Disrupting corporate innovation education
As many of you are aware, I was an Australian ex-pat and start-up entrepreneur and resided in Israel for six years. Israel is globally acknowledged as The Start-Up Nation! I was fortunate to have the opportunity to live within its...
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Be-come a smart creative
It was pouring down with heavy rain and we were stuck in a heavy traffic jam on the toll road taking us home from a lovely 4 day sunny sojourn in the stunning Mediterranean seaport of Eilat, on the southern...
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Innovating Teaching Innovation
I recently invested my 30 years of knowledge and skills development and experience in corporate learning in designing  The Start-Up Game™ . This is a two day business simulation that enable people to learn by playing, collaborating, experimenting and learning...
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Unleash people’s creativity in the workplace
The ability to unleash people's creativity in the workplace is a challenge in every team and organisation. At ImagineNation™ we acknowledge that innovation is the result of a COLLISION between different perspectives and thought patterns, we also acknowledge that creativity, invention...
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Re-inventing corporate learning
All great achievers start out as individuals with a vision that ultimately impacts the realms they care deeply about! They may not initially intend to, yet they all have the ability to shape an entire industry or market. In our...
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Enhancing capacity to create and innovate
At ImagineNation™ we have been enhancing our clients capacity to create and innovate through the development of  the Generative Discovery Skill-Set. This encapsulates four generative methodologies involving learning, challenging and inquiring. As original ways of accepting, embracing and working with the...
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