Culture blog

The 7 myths in developing an innovation culture
As more organizations seek to embrace innovation as a lever for business growth and transformation, we have noticed that some organizations still haven't managed to create a common understanding of what innovation really means. As well as the possibilities innovation...
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Innovate to learn by doing
When I was Qantas airline hostess (in the pre ‘flight attendant’ days) I was required to attend and pass, very strict Emergency Procedures (EP) training. This involved a week-long, comprehensive experiential training session, teaching us how to evacuate a 747...
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Cultivating innovation agility
In a recent Forbes article, “What Innovation is, and isn’t” by Rob Preston, from Oracle, suggested that consumers are suffering a bout of “innovation fatigue.” Presenting data from a communications firm, Ketchums’ new Innovation Kernel study, which was designed to...
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Innovation requires experimentation
I wish I had known about Clayton Christensen’s research on living overseas as one of the three ways of exploring how innovation requires experimentation.  It certainly would have contributed to my success by increasing my capacity for innovation, before I...
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Dancing with Disruption
In the Executive Summary of the 2014 Front End of Innovation Conference, produced by the Institute for International Research, the author introduces us to the notion of dancing with disruption with this statement: “Welcome to Business as unusual. Business as...
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Innovation and shifting corporate consciousness
In a recent Fast Company article ‘Why Millennials Don’t Want to Buy Stuff’ the author states that “Humanity is experiencing an evolution in consciousness. We are starting to think differently about what it means to ‘own’ something.” Suggesting that technology...
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People’s resistance to change and innovation
I recently shared a very deep and meaningful conversation with a very accomplished US based Russian trained TRIZ practitioner - TRIZ involves working with the “theory of inventive problem solving.” As many of you are also aware, at ImagineNation™ our...
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5 key innovation imperatives
Language and culture are inseparable in that what we say influences what we think, what we feel and what we believe. This is reinforced at the corporate level in a recent HBR blog, by Kevin Allen, “How language shapes your...
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Innovation culture – spirit of innovation
I have been wondering for some time, how to perceive the unprecedented levels of global volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA) as opportunities and catalysts for radical changes towards creating an innovation culture, where the spirit of innovation flourishes. Some...
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